How to get to Oasis LRT Station (PE6) from Mayflower MRT Station by MRT, LRT or Bus?
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Journey Planner 2024
- Start : Mayflower MRT Station ( TE6 )
- Destination : Oasis LRT Station (PE6)
- Transport Mode : Train, Bus or LRT/Tram
- Postal Code : 828854
- Address : 50 Punggol Drive, 828854
- Category : Transportation / LRT Stations
- Date : 09 Oct 2024
- Start Trip Time : 9:00 AM
- Reach Destination Time : 10:01 AM
Timings based on local Singapore time.
Step By Step Guide
- Walk to BEF MAYFLOWER STN EXIT 3 (54199) bus stop. WALKING 3 mins 203.09 m 9:00 AM
- Start your journey from BEF MAYFLOWER STN EXIT 3 (54199) bus stop. For assistance on bus fares, tickets, prices, payment methods or EZ-Link smart card information, please go to the official SBS Transit website for more information. 
- Take bus no 76 from BEF MAYFLOWER STN EXIT 3 (54199) bus stop for 13 stops to BEF YIO CHU KANG CHAPEL (63219). BUS SBS Transit 18 mins 5.24 km 9:03 AM
- Click to show stops
- Your bus ride will have 12 intermediate stops at MAYFLOWER STN EXIT 5 (54189), OPP ANG MO KIO PR SCH (54221), BLK 129 (54231), BLK 700B (54241), AFT ANG MO KIO STN EXIT A (54261), BLK 586 (54271), BLK 570 (54281), BLK 564 (54291), BLK 5022 (54301), DAIKIN S'PORE (66341), BLK 554 (66331) and BLK 516 (66101). BUS SBS Transit
- Walk from BEF YIO CHU KANG CHAPEL (63219) bus stop to BLK 138 (63211) bus stop. WALKING 2 mins 118.54 m 9:22 AM
- Change Bus at BLK 138 (63211) bus stop. Transfer
- Take bus no 43M from BLK 138 (63211) bus stop for 16 stops to PUNGGOL TEMP INTERCHANGE (65009). BUS Go-Ahead Singapore 24 mins 7.42 km 9:28 AM
- Click to show stops
- Your bus ride will have 15 intermediate stops at OPP GRACEHAVEN S ARMY (64101), OPP BLK 953 (64111), OPP BLK 968 (66481), OPP BLK 910 (66491), OPP BLK 579 (64469), OPP BLK 565 (64629), Blk 278 CP (67621), BUANGKOK STN EXIT A (67609), BLK 201C (67619), BLK 323B (67449), OPP BLK 261 (67419), OPP BLK 293D (67599), BLK 220C (65439), BEF SOO TECK STN (65149) and OPP BLK 264A (65401). BUS Go-Ahead Singapore
- Change Bus at PUNGGOL TEMP INTERCHANGE (65009). Transfer
- Take bus no 50 from PUNGGOL TEMP INTERCHANGE (65009) for 3 stops to OASIS STN EXIT A (65319). BUS SBS Transit 5 mins 1.59 km 9:55 AM
- Click to show stops
- Your bus ride will have 2 intermediate stop at OPP PUNGGOL VIEW PR SCH (65359) and DAMAI STN EXIT A (65309). BUS SBS Transit
- Walk from OASIS STN EXIT A (65319) bus stop to OASIS LRT STATION (PE6) WALKING 1 mins 71.74 m 10:00 AM
- You have reached your TRANSPORTATION / LRT STATION destination. 
Travel Summary
- Total Adult Fare (SGD) : $1.83
- Total Travel Time : 1 hour 1 minutes
- Total Waiting Time : 6 minutes
- Total Travel Distance : 14.65 km
- Total Walking Distance : 393.37 m
- Total Stops : 32 stops
- Total Transfer : 2
- Public Transport Operator : 2
- The values above are based on estimates only. Actual values may vary depending on factors such as traffic, time of day, and other unforeseen circumstances. It's always a good idea to check for real-time updates before starting your journey.