How to get to Fernvale LRT Station (SW5) from Canberra MRT Station by MRT, LRT or Bus?
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Journey Planner 2024
- Start : Canberra MRT Station ( NS12 )
- Destination : Fernvale LRT Station (SW5)
- Transport Mode : Train, Bus or LRT/Tram
- Postal Code : 797698
- Address : 10 Fernvale Road, 797698
- Category : Transportation / LRT Stations
- Date : 14 Oct 2024
- Start Trip Time : 9:00 AM
- Reach Destination Time : 9:46 AM
Timings based on local Singapore time.
Step By Step Guide
- Walk to CANBERRA MRT STATION (NS12) WALKING 1 min 21.56 m 9:00 AM
- Start your journey from CANBERRA MRT STATION (NS12). For assistance on train fares, tickets, prices, payment methods or EZ-Link smart card information, please approach SMRT Corporation Passenger Customer Service Counter at the station or go to the official SMRT Corporation website for more information. 
- Take NORTH SOUTH LINE train from CANBERRA MRT STATION (NS12) for 3 stations to YIO CHU KANG MRT STATION (NS15). SUBWAY SMRT Corporation 13 mins 7.94 km 9:01 AM
- Click to show stops
- Your train ride will have 2 intermediate stop at YISHUN MRT STATION (NS13) and KHATIB MRT STATION (NS14). SUBWAY SMRT Corporation
- Walk from YIO CHU KANG MRT STATION (NS15) to YIO CHU KANG INTERCHANGE (55509) WALKING 2 mins 112.97 m 9:14 AM
- Transfer from Train to Bus at YIO CHU KANG INTERCHANGE (55509). Transfer
- Take bus no 70 from YIO CHU KANG INTERCHANGE (55509) for 6 stops to OPP ST ELECTRONICS (55051). BUS SBS Transit 7 mins 2.20 km 9:19 AM
- Click to show stops
- Your bus ride will have 5 intermediate stops at AMK POLICE DIV HQ (55301), OPP YIO CHU KANG STADIUM (55311), SBST ANG MO KIO DEPOT (55239), SMRT BUSES AMK DEPOT (55229) and AFT ANG MO KIO ST 64 (55041). BUS SBS Transit
- Change Bus at OPP ST ELECTRONICS (55051) bus stop. Transfer
- Take bus no 163 from OPP ST ELECTRONICS (55051) bus stop for 8 stops to OPP FERNVALE PR SCH (67491). BUS SBS Transit 10 mins 3.19 km 9:30 AM
- Click to show stops
- Your bus ride will have 7 intermediate stops at BEF ECON MEDICARE CTR (55071), OPP SUNRISE GDNS (55081), OPP SERENITY PK (55101), BEF BEGONIA RD (67011), OPP DEDAP RD (67021), AFT SENGKANG WEST RD (67659) and OPP BLK 405C (67289). BUS SBS Transit
- Walk from OPP FERNVALE PR SCH (67491) bus stop to FERNVALE LRT STATION (SW5) WALKING 5 mins 315.32 m 9:41 AM
- You have reached your TRANSPORTATION / LRT STATION destination. 
Travel Summary
- Total Adult Fare (SGD) : $1.79
- Total Travel Time : 46 minutes
- Total Waiting Time : 7 minutes
- Total Travel Distance : 13.79 km
- Total Walking Distance : 449.85 m
- Total Stops : 17 stops
- Total Transfer : 2
- Public Transport Operator : 2
- The values above are based on estimates only. Actual values may vary depending on factors such as traffic, time of day, and other unforeseen circumstances. It's always a good idea to check for real-time updates before starting your journey.