How to get to Fairmont Singapore from Changi Airport MRT Station?

    Step By Step Guide

  • Destination : Fairmont Singapore
    Address : 80 Bras Basah Road
  • Make your way towards Changi Airport MRT Station Walking
    • Walk to Changi Airport walking 3 mins 0.2 km
    • Take Entrance B walking 2 mins 0.1 km
    • Start your journey from Changi Airport MRT Station. For assistance on train fares, tickets, prices, payment methods or EZ-Link smart card information, please approach SMRT Passenger Customer Service Counter at the station or refer to official SMRT website for details.
    • Take East West Line train towards Tanah Merah, for 2 stations to Tanah Merah. Subway SMRT 11 mins 6.5 km Train, Subway, Rail
    • Change train at Tanah Merah. Transfer
    • Take East West Line train towards Tuas Link, for 9 stations to City Hall. Subway SMRT 19 mins 11.8 km Train, Subway, Rail
    • Walk to 80 Bras Basah Rd, Singapore 189560 walking 4 mins 0.2 km
    • Take Exit B walking 1 min 72 m
    • Head North West toward North Bridge Rd walking 1 min 18 m
    • Turn Right onto North Bridge Rd walking 2 mins 0.1 km
    • Turn Right
      Destination will be on the Left
      walking 1 min 35 m
  • Arrive at Fairmont Singapore. You have reached your hotel destination.
  • Estimated Travel Time : 56 mins
  • Total Station Stops : 11 stops
  • Total Train Transfer : 1
  • Total Travel Distance : 18.7 km
  • Total Estimated Walking Distance : 434 m / 0.43 km
  • Data updated as of 31 Oct 2021

MRT Route Map To Fairmont Singapore

How do we decide on the MRT route, direction and transfer if any to get to Fairmont Singapore from Changi Airport MRT Station?

The route, mode of transport (vehicle) and directions to Fairmont Singapore from Changi Airport MRT Station above is derived based on the best possible route optimised with the least amount of walking distance.

The direction service shows routes via train or subway (MRT), tram or light rail (LRT or monorail), or bus..

It does not take into account of having to take any additional bus or having fewer train transfers at stations/interchanges in exchange for walking longer distances to a nearby alternative MRT station for best possible route.
  • Which public transport operators are running the route above from Changi Airport MRT Station to Fairmont Singapore?

      There is 1 public transport operator running the route above. It is SMRT .

      Tickets And Information Telephone Hotline

      SMRT Customer Service Hotline Tel No : 1800 336 8900

  • What is the cheapest way to travel in Singapore?

    Taking MRT train, LRT tram and Bus in Singapore are the cheapest forms of public transport options available in Singapore.

    The average cost per MRT train ride is estimated to be anywhere around SGD$1.00 to SGD$3.00.

  • How far is it from Changi Airport MRT Station to Fairmont Singapore?

    The distance between Changi Airport MRT Station and Fairmont Singapore is 18.7 km.

  • Is there a direct train between Changi Airport MRT Station and Fairmont Singapore?

    There is no direct train between Changi Airport MRT Station and Fairmont Singapore.

    However, there are train services departing from Changi Airport MRT Station and require 1 train transfer via Tanah Merah to arrive at Fairmont Singapore.

  • Taxi from Changi Airport MRT Station to Fairmont Singapore

    Comfort Delgro Taxi / CityCab

    Phone : +65 6552 1111

    Website :

    SMRT Taxi

    Phone : +65 6555 8888

    Website :

    Premier Taxi

    Phone : +65 6214 8880

    Website :

    Prime Taxi

    Phone : +65 6778 0808

    Website :

    Trans Cab

    Phone : +65 6555 3333

    Website :

    HDT Electric Taxi

    Phone : +65 6258 8888

    Website :

    Yellow Top Taxi

    Phone : +65 6293 5545


    Phone : +65 6342 5222

  • How do I travel from Changi Airport MRT Station to Fairmont Singapore without a car?

    The best way to get from Changi Airport MRT Station to Fairmont Singapore without a car is to take MRT train which takes about 56 mins and average train fare ticket price of around SGD$1.00 - SGD$3.00.

  • Is this MRT travel guide for me?

    If you are keen on taking any public transport such as train MRT, light rail LRT or bus with the least walking distance available and don't mind the extra transfer or more time taken to complete the travel journey, then this MRT travel guide is for you.

  • Why is it important to plan your route in advance?

    Do take note that construction projects, weather or traffic conditions, MRT train breakdown or service disruption, or any other events may result in a change in the actual route from the suggested route and directions map above.

    Walking directions are in beta. Use caution – This route may be missing sidewalks or pedestrian paths.

    Please plan your route accordingly and obey all signs and notices with regards to the route you are taking.

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If you have any enquiry or feedback with regards to the MRT travel guide from Changi Airport MRT Station to Fairmont Singapore MRT Station, please do not hesitate to contact us using the form below.

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